William Wordsworth
William Wordsworth’s lifespan is 1770 to 1850. Wordsworth was born at Cockermouth. His father’s name is John Wordsworth and his mother’s name is Ann Cookson Wordsworth. His sister’s name is Dorothy Wordsworth. His wife’s name is Mary Hutchinson. His daughter Dora was a frequent inspiration for Wordswoth’s poetry.
In Somersetshire, Wordsworth along with Coleridge, produced “Lyrical Ballads”. The residenceof Royal Mount was Wordsworth’s home from 1813 till his death.
In 1839 Oxford conferred upon him the degree of D.C.L
In 1842, the Crown conferred upon him a pension of 300 pound a year.
On the death of Southey in 1843, he(Wordsworth) became Poet Laureate.
Poetry – Wordsworth records that his earliest verses were written at school, and that they were “a tame imitation of Pope’s versification”.
He composed some poetry at University.
They are – An Evening Walk(1793), Descriptive Sketches(1793).
Style of these poems – Little originality.
Shows Wordsworth’s interest towards nature.
His genius can be seen in “Lyrical Ballads”(1798). It was a joint production by Coleridge and Wordsworth himself. It was published at Bristol. Some of Wordsworth’s poems in it are – “The Thorn”, “The Idiot Boy”(condemned as being trivial and childish in style); “Simon Lee”, “Expostulation and Reply”(more adequate in their expression); “Tintern Abbey”(triumphs of his genius).
His other works were, “She dwelt among the untrodden ways, Strange fits of passion have I known”, and “Nutting”.
“Michael ” and “The Old Cumberland Beggar” – Uneven in quality.
The new poems shows Wordsworth less preoccupied with his theories of poetic diction. The lyrics are striking in their moving restraint and delicacy of touch.
“The Prelude” was completed in 1805 and published in 1850. It is the recoed of Wordsworth’s development as a poet. He descriebes his experiences with a fullness, closeness, and laborious anxiety that are unique in our literature. This poem consists of 14 books. It is often dull and prosy.
“The Prelude” was intended to form part of a vast philosophical work called “The Recluse” which was never completed. Another section of this same work was “The Excursion”. It consisted of nine long books. His 2 volumes of poems to be published in 1807 represent his genius. The success of this volume is seen in the lyric – “The Solitary Reaper”, “The Green Linnet”, “I Wandered lonely as a cloud; in the philosophical – “Ode on the Intimations of Immortality, Resolution and Independence, Ode to Duty; Sonnets dedicated to National Independence and Liberty are of quality which led many critics to hail them as the finest sonnets in the language.
His late volumes are “The White Doe of Rylstone(1815), “The Waggoner”(1819), “Peter Bell”(1819), “Yarrow Revisited”(1835), and “The Borderers”(1842), a drama.