Percy Bysshe Shelley
His lifespan is 1792-1822. He was born in Sussex. He was educated at Eton and Oxford. His father’s name is Sir Timothy Shelley.
Poetry – His poetry includes”
- Queen Mab(1813) – It is immature, lengthy, contains much of Shelley’s cruder atheism.
Meter – Irregular unrhymed metre.
- Alsator, or The Spirit of Solitude(1816) – It is a kind of spiritual autobiography. The poem is long. It is remembered chiefly for its lyrical passages and striking, typically Shelleyan imagery.
- Laon and Cythna – It was afterward called “The Revolt of Islam”. It lacks grip and coherence. It is richer in descriptive passages.
- Prometheus Unbound(1818-1819, published in 1820) – The firstfruits of his new life were apparent in this work. This work is a combination of the lyric and the drama.
- The Cenci(1819) – Here, Shelley started to write formal drama.
- Julian and Maddalo(1818) – It is a longer poem.
- The Masque of Anarchy(1819, published 1832) – This poem was inspired by the news of the massacre of Peterloo, expresses Shelley’s revolutionary political views.
- The Witch of Atlas(1820, published 1824) – It is the lightest and most delicate of all Shelley’s fantasies. It is rich in music and imagery.
- Epipsychidion(1821) – It contains some of his fervent writing.
- Adonais(1821) – This poem is a lament for the death of keats. It is modeled on the classical elegy.
Prose – His prose work include:
- Zastrozzi
- St. Irvyne
The above 2 books were written when he was at school.
3.The Defence of Poetry(1821, published 1840) – This work is a short essay.